...the voice of pensioners

Make some lifestyle changes

17 Aug 2017

Have you had your NHS Health Check and have found out that you are at an increased risk of developing certain conditions such as heart attack, stroke or diabetes? If that’s your case, you need to make some lifestyle changes. The good news is that there are several services available to help you make those changes.

Are you still puffing? If you are, you should consider quitting smoking for good. The risks associated with smoking are well known and include hypertension, cancer and many other illnesses. If you want to quit your addiction, just tell your doctor and he may refer you to the Lewisham NHS Stop Smoking service. They will provide you with all the help and support you need to kick your habit.

Is it overweight what is worrying you? First of all, you need to have your BMI checked. If you have a BMI of at least 30 (28 for east Asian people), you can be referred for 12 free Weight Watchers or Slimming World meetings, which will provide you with some tips on how to manage your weight. You know that along with following a healthy diet the best way to lose weight is physical activity. Even walking helps.

If alcohol is what is causing you trouble, your GP or pharmacist may refer you to specialist alcohol support services. However, you can refer yourself by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 8699 5263.

If you have been told that you are at risk of developing diabetes, you can be referred to a free NHS diabetes prevention programme.

Almost everybody should make some lifestyle changes. You can identify which changes you should make by taking this quiz: