...the voice of pensioners

Are you taking enough fibre?

26 Aug 2017

In recent years, the production of fibre-rich food has increased greatly. That’s not strange, as it has been proven that fibre is one of the most important components of our diet. Some of the benefits of fibre include: to help keep fit and loose weight (that’s why fibre is usually present in many weight-loss diets), it helps your body keep glucose levels under control, it provides protection against cancer, and it lowers cholesterol levels.

Keep in mind that fibre is only found in plant foods. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre, but try not to peel them as they have their highest concentrations of fibre within the peel. Cereals and whole-grain products contain high amounts of fibre too. Apart from that, you can find at the supermarket fibre-enriched foods, containing extra amounts of fibre.

But how much fibre should we take? Specialists in nutrition recommend taking 30 grams of fibre a day. But be careful! Taking more than that can be more of a hindrance than help. And how can you know if you’re taking the right amount? To answer this questions, you can use this list as a reference: three portions of unpeeled fruit per day, two portions of raw vegetables, 30 grams of nuts per week, and between two and four portions of legumes and pulses per week.