...the voice of pensioners

Back to the matter of insomnia...

13 Mar 2024

Dear LPG,

I am one of those people who used to be able to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes, day or night, but things have changed. 

Perhaps it was when we all experienced the Coronavirus lockdown, when there was nothing to do all day, although that was not true.   


I am sure that I was not the only person who felt that one of the few positives of that situation was that we would all have an immaculate house after a month and a bit of not going anywhere. But I don’t think I can name a friend who did not complain that for all the forced extra time we had on our hands, that didn’t work.  


I think that many of us ended up missing our daily routines and being so bored during the days that we learned to sleep with the result that we could not during the nights.  


Since all that, I have become an insomniac, and though I have tried all sorts of ways to sort my sleep routine out, I have still not succeeded. As ever, getting to sleep is the main problem and, short of prescription medication, I have tried all sorts of teas and high street remedies, but I have not had a lot of success so far. 


I have recently discovered something called a Handheld Sleep Aid Device, which is something I have not tried before and plan to do. 

They range from really cheap to relatively inexpensive, so I thought that I might let others know about them.  


I also found a few other potential remedies in an online video. It includes some information on listening to a recording called Binaural Beats. The simple version of this theory is that playing slightly different sounds into each of your ears will result in your brain being forced to let you sleep.


 From what I have read, there are no side effects from listening to the waves. However, I found it more challenging to work out how one of the handheld sleep aid devices would affect any other electronic device running. In contrast, you sleep: - a pacemaker or an electronic sleep apnoea device, for example.   


I have found some information about it and hope LPG will pass it on. 


WD, Southwark


 (Before offering the following links, LPG would again like to remind readers that, while so many of them are filled with good and relevant information, they often carry invitations to get involved with products and apps which can be valuable but potentially expensive.  We are posting them because the information they offer is worth reading.  We want to remind readers that we are not trying to promote any of the items being advertised…)

WD offers a few ideas that might help those who continue to have problems when it comes to getting to sleep at night…






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