...the voice of pensioners

Don’t wait for their invitation, it’s OK to gate-crash this party…

02 Sep 2023

Dear LPG


Now and then, something transpires, reminding us of one of those things we know we ought to do, keep meaning to do, but never get around to. In this case, I am talking about doing more than reading those letters that remind us that we need to be screened in some way for one health condition or another. 


We ladies, will be familiar with the invitation letter inviting us for a mammogram or cervical smear. At the same time, we are all asked to do business in response to the bowel cancer letter. Then there are those eye screening programmes for the people with diabetes among us, and, in a way, all those regular visits to the dentist and optician are also to be added to the list before we get to the more specialist ones.


I recently read about the Duchess of York’s discovery that she had breast cancer and how she nearly did not respond to the letter of invitation she received for screening. We have all gotten used to such new stories being the top news for a day or two, and I happened to watch and listen to quite a few of the comments that were discussed as a result of that story on the day the news was released. 


I remember all the daytime television programmes having similar points of view when on the day, but perhaps one aspect of what was being said was another appeal for the public to get checked when they receive such letters.  


Apart from the other issues that the news bulletins, radio DJs and daytime television programmes had to say when commenting on the story, the overall message was, please don’t just ignore these invitations for the sake of your own health. 


In general, I would guess that we pensioners are the most likely to respond to such letters with actual actions because it can be argued that we are the people at the stage of life where we are most likely to have a schedule that we can change at short notice.  However, fear and the fact that some tests can be uncomfortable still put many people off.  This was all discussed, but I think one thing was missed, mainly when it came to we ladies and mammogram tests.


Many who read LPG pages will have already arrived, but I noted that after you reach 71. At the same time, the internet points out that we are equally susceptible to the risk of becoming ill. In that way, the invitation letters stop arriving.   


So, as well as all the self-tests that are so important, when you no longer receive the invitation, please remember that you are entitled to a test every three years and have it done. 


 CW, Catford.