...the voice of pensioners

Don’t let the youngsters put you off!

22 Jul 2023

Dear LPG, 



I know that you are always looking for our thoughts and comments, especially as we get older. 
I have a little something to add to the mix I think.



I was thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of being retired. 



I want to take you back to those days when going to work was one of the most important things that you needed to do day in and day out.  Are you not glad that you no longer have to get up and out first thing in the morning no matter what the weather or how you feel? Although there was something very satisfying about each day’s achievements, most of the time.



But can you remember those times when you left work at the end of the day worried about something that you may or may not have forgotten to do, or something you didn’t have time to finish before it was time to go?   Can you remember having the whole weekend to stress about it and wonder what the consequences would be when you got back on Monday morning?



Even if you really enjoyed your job, I bet that you don’t miss that feeling, but would you swap all that having to grab something quick to eat on the way out every morning and the worry of what the boss would have to say?



I think that that particular feeling is one that no one regrets once the threat of it happening has passed for good, because no matter how high up the staff chain you get there is always someone above you.  When we look back at our jobs, especially if we still miss them, we only ever really remember the best bits of the experience unless our memories are jogged. 



I think that if you have found yourself something to strive for once retired, your children are sometimes likely to see your newfound vocation as your excuse at playing at life because you are going slower and are less likely to be working to get paid for what you do.   



We oldies can please ourselves a lot more when it comes to getting paid for the things that we decide to work at, and those around us who are still part of the country’s official workforce can often only measure success and achievement in terms of its financial worth,  but regardless of if  that message is just hinted at from time to time or stated every time that they come to visit, I say if you are enjoying yourself stick to your guns and don’t let any younger members of your family deter you.



When you are retired you become the boss and the buck should stop with you…



HS, Forest Hill. 




LPG adds some information on today’s celebration… 



