...the voice of pensioners

When it all appears to have gone a bit wrong…

19 Jul 2022

Dear LPG, 


When things go wrong, as they do from time to time in our lives, what is the best thing to do?


In general, LPG is more likely to attract the attention of the older reader; after all, that is what the name of the organisation offers on their tin’s label, so we have all been down that road at one point or another in our lives.  I am talking about experiencing times when things truly appear to go catastrophically wrong.


There are the times when the worst has happened and you just must work through what you can do next which is bad enough, but even worse is when you have no choice but to wait to see what the fall out that something relatively small you did or contributed to will be.


Thinking about such occurrences will bring back memories of something that happened during your working years which will have left you with an evening or weekend to stress as you have nightmares about the consequences of your action.  


Do you find yourself thinking about what you would do if the worst happened or are you one of those people who feel that even entertaining such thoughts will lead to that worst case scenario becoming the result because you have spent so much time concentrating on the possibility?


As a pensioner, there are lots of stressful situations that leave me worrying about what to do for the best, but we have more time to think about solutions, if indeed there is anything that you can do to put it right. Such problems are also less likely to affect us financially because as we get older, our income is likely to remain constant whatever else happens.    


I think that we older people also take on a lot of worry when we are aware of such incidents that happen to the people around us.  When you see a relative or younger friend, as old as they are, who makes what they think is a life altering mistake that might affect their livelihood. The problems are that when we see someone else in trouble it is so often the case that all we can do is be a listening ear and feel useless because there is nothing we can do.


As a religious person I have my faith to fall back on, and according to the internet I am one of the 85% of the world population who can also make that claim, but what of the other 15%?  


This all occurred to me because of something that happened to a close friend lately and I found myself online seeing what the internet has to offer, and now, just in case its advice might be any good to a reader or two who find themselves in that bad place or trying to empathise with someone they know who has arrived there, I hope what I found helps a bit.


CJ, Brockley 



CJ, shares what she has found… 


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