...the voice of pensioners

A foggy-focused eye-opening message perhaps…

24 Sep 2022

Dear LPG, 

I wear glasses all the time and have done so since my junior school figured out that I can’t see a bat, and that means that I have spent a lot of time having eye tests.  By the time I changed to secondary school, I found myself reaching for them before I got up in the mornings and, according to the internet, I am not alone. 

The internet informs us that 69% of the British public wear glasses and at least some of the time about 13% use contact lenses. I have tried the latter and when I was younger they came in very handy when I was doing martial arts and aerobics, but now that I am older, I don’t bother with all that anymore and stick to the frames. 

In my glasses-wearing experience I have noticed something and that is that when I take them off and bring them close enough to my nose to really focus on the details, they are always dirty.  When I was young it was often my parents and siblings that noticed, and as I got older, I have had good friends tell me how spotty they are in comparison with those which are owned by part time wearers.  I suppose that the dirt is something you notice more when you change lenses because you also change the whereabouts of the spots and foggy areas of your vision.

I am now an oldie and find myself with a daily routine that includes checking them and giving them a serious clean whenever I put them on, but I think that that is because I change them so much these days.  I have a pair for reading, a pair for seeing the computer screen through, a pair for driving in and a pair for ordinary use.  I keep a pair in the car in case I forget to change out of the reading ones until I am halfway to where I am driving to, and the list goes on. 

I have worked out that it is only when you change from one pair to another, that you realise just how the smears and spots on the lenses limit your vision.  I suppose you could say that I have been seeing the world through spotty fog for a seriously large part of my existence.  

When I finally worked out that cleaning them regularly was a way forward I manage to ruin one pair by using anything that came to hand when they needed a clean and so I thought it would be a good idea to check the best way to do the job with optimum results for the glasses and my vision.

Having done the research, I have decided that 69% of LPG readers might benefit from what I have learnt.  I hope it helps.

NK, New Cross.

NK shares the results of his research…




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