...the voice of pensioners

Play Games, Play Your Brain

21 Sep 2017

Much has been written about the importance of exercising one’s brain. The possibilities are endless: you can make a list and try to memorise it, you can do math in your head without the aid of pencil and paper, you can visualise the spelling of a word in your head and try to think of other words that begin or end with the same letters… But let’s be honest: those activities are not very appealing. 

Fortunately, there are some other ways to exercise your brain that are much more engaging: games. Think of your brain like your legs. If you work out your legs, they will be strong. However, if you don’t work them out, they will lose their strength. This is what mind games are made for: working your brain. 

You must have played many games that are fun as well challenging your brain. In fact, many of the most well known games are mind games. Have you ever played Scrabble? If you have, you have played a mind game. Chess is another example of a mind game. It is not just about moving Chess-pieces. You really need to plan ahead if you want to be the winner. That’s why Chess is a game that hones your strategic thinking.

Sudoku is another good example. Have you heard of it? It is a puzzle that makes you think logically about how to place numbers in boxes within a grid. A good thing about Sudoku puzzles is that they are very easy to get: you can find them in some newspapers and magazines and you can also find thousands of them online that can be downloaded and printed out.

If you are not fond of Chess or Sudoku, you don’t have to worry, as there are many other examples. Just take a look online. You will certainly find a mind game that you enjoy.