...the voice of pensioners

Appreciating your leaving and returning…

19 Sep 2021

Dear LPG,


Isn’t it true that every one of us has a few of those really personal little habits that we would not tell anyone else about usually.


Today I would like to share one of mine with you and, because I have decided to, I am going to change the names to protect the innocent as they say; well at least so that my friends don’t know that it’s me.


One of my weird habits kicks in whenever I leave a place.  As I shut the door that was the entrance door that changes into the exit door of anywhere before leaving, I feel the need to turn back and offer up a silent little prayer asking that it will not be the last time that I have the opportunity to leave having enjoyed myself.


Some people move house many times, but I have only ever lived in three homes and the last time I moved it was from a flat into my very own house over fifty years ago.


I remember leaving with very mixed feelings.  I was looking forward to my new home but there is that moment when you step out of the front door of the old one for what you know will be the last ever time and all the memories pass before your mind’s eye.


Since that day, whenever I leave somewhere, as I shut the door I turn around, look behind me and then silently ask that it will not be the last time that I will have the opportunity to be there or with the people that I am so used to meeting there. 


One Thursday in March 2020 I remember attending a community exercise class in the knowledge that lock down was going to start the week after, and that prayerful thought meant even more than usual to me that day.


It has been more than a year and a half since then and I have often wondered if we would ever get back to stretching face to face again.  But today was the day and, while I know that there will be many exercise classes, social clubs, lunch clubs and community centres that will have not survived the pandemic, I would like to remind all readers who have or are looking forward to getting back to those normal little things that, until March 2020 we all took for granted, to follow my lead and treasure each time you meet in future, and do even the most mundane of things, just a little bit more …



YF, Plumstead