...the voice of pensioners

Hearing, phones, aids, quality and quantity.

14 Dec 2020

Dear LPG,


Being in the same ‘boat’ as HC who recently wrote about the terminal state of his mobile phone and the dilemmas facing those who are looking for the best replacement, I found myself focussed on what he had to say.


I agree that there are so many aspects of choosing a mobile phone that need to be addressed before you get as far as the shop to try them out.  I think that buying one is made harder these days because even if you have looked at all the variables, you really do not know what you are getting until you have actually made the choice and opened the box.  It is often at that point when you work out that it is harder to hold comfortably than you thought, or that the brightest setting isn’t as bright as you would have liked.


As I have got older I have found that my hearing is not as sharp as it was and so there is yet another aspect of any new phone I decide on, which has become the most important for me.  I have a feeling that I may not be the only LPG reader who may be looking for a new phone where volume power, as well as volume quality has become one of the most significant features…


I have been doing my internet research and learned that there is a list of phone with the best speakers and I was also interested to learn that there are now hearing aids designed to work with earphones for those of us who still like to listen to music, now that mobile phones are swiftly doubling up as our personal stereos.  I have not needed a hearing aid so far, but I know that the time is coming and I was interested to learn that there are now Bluetooth hearing aids which are designed to connect to mobile phones and more.


I have asked LPG to add the links to some of this information for those who like me, find themselves with a mobile phone and a pair of ears, which are beginning to let them down a bit. 


PH, Ladywell



PH shares his findings…

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