...the voice of pensioners

Working out just how much you personally need….

13 Oct 2020

Dear LPG,


I found what I consider to be an interesting bit of information recently and thought it might be worth the consideration of your readers. 


Once retired, some of us love to be tucked up between warm comfortable sheets without the anticipation of the harsh sound of an alarm clock to look forward to.  But often the advantages of sleeping in can become less enviable. 


I cannot speak for everyone but having spoken to a few friends about it, I think that lockdown has altered so many of our habits, and one of the most fundamental is how long we each really need to dedicate to our nightly sleep.  With so much time on our hands, and being so near to a familiar and comfortable chair, or our bed, for so much of the day in recent months appears to have left many of us feeling more tired even though we have all the time in the world to do exactly what we want to.


So I have asked myself this question; ‘just how much sleep do we need’.


I know that there are many ergonomic  theories about how much sleep we need when age, gender and some other variables are put into the mix, but I decided to try to find out how, now that we are starting to get back to life as we knew it (or at least the version that we will have to live with in the near future), our sleeping habits will affect our lives and, amongst the many answers that Google offered,  I have found a strategy designed to help each of us to work out exactly how much sleep is best for us individuals.


It involves working out exactly how much sleep is best for you by adjusting when you decide its bed time with how early you want to get up and not using an alarm clock (now that we pensioners don’t actually have to). 


Had I found this recipe for perfecting your sleep pattern when I was working, I doubt that I would have felt that I had the time to experiment but, I think for us pensioners, it might be something to occupy the mind and improve our own personal sleeping, and waking hours.


LS, Penge.




LS offers us his revelations on the optimum recipe for working our exactly how much sleep you need each night. 



LPG found some bits that might attract the curiosity readers who are already interested in this subject including an alternative sleep calculator and a related video…




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