...the voice of pensioners

‘TO BE OR NOT TO BE... ONE OR THE OTHER’; there is a question….

20 Aug 2020

Dear LPG,


There are no two ways about it (well actually there are...), this is a subject that most of us avoid although I notice that the media is throwing it at us in adverts more and more these days and perhaps this is what has prompted me to spend a little time contemplating it myself…


I have a topic for your readers to think and converse about, publicly or privately, with families or friends at their leisure and that is the subject of preference with regard to the last thing that anyone will ever do for you.


Some weeks ago an argument cropped up about something that most people take seriously, the topic of discussion was about funerals.  Burial or cremation; that is the question that the vast majority don’t want to talk about, the thought of (you know what), the subject is still taboo to most people.

Individuals will each have their own reasons for coming down on one side or the other of that particular fence, with various explanations that others, like me, will have to respect and vice-versa.  I know what I would like but whether I get my wishes, that’s another matter, I will have passed caring.

I want to be cremated for the simple reason of after care; because of what I see on visits to cemeteries.

Cremation will eliminate maintenance of my grave, the younger generation won’t have to bother about keeping it free of over-grown weeds.  The ones that I see when visiting cemeteries on the way to visit my friends and relatives who have gone before.  One individual commented that they dread the thought of maggots eating their body and explained that that is why they want to be cremated.


Other individuals will argue against cremation because of the connotation with the phrase, “burn in hell” (which comes to mind).  They don’t like the idea that their body can’t be resurrected on judgement day.

It has to be said that each of us have our own reasons, and the debate will always be out there, but a decision really needs to be made even if that decision is that you will leave It up to your nearest and dearest.

We all have to respect people’s opinions and pick sense out of nonsense I say.     

Rudy Morgan