...the voice of pensioners

Warm heart… and do you have the other problem too?

05 Jun 2019

Dear LPG,


I like to think that I have always had a warm heart and perhaps I can be sure of that because, as the saying goes, my hands have always been cold, but I have noticed that it is getting worse as I get older.  Even though we had a really mild winter this year and the weather is getting milder as the days progress, and in spite of the fact that I don’t even notice sometimes, everyone who ever touches me remarks on their temperature.


I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at what the internet says about why and found some interesting answers that I thought I should share. 


I learned that Coffee and cigarettes don’t help but I don’t do either of those.  From what I have read the main culprit is my lack of circulation and it is a good idea to make sure that your cold hands are not a symptom that indicates a more serious ailment; especially if those hands are not getting any warmer as the weather does.  Making sure that there is room in your clothing for a layer of warm air is also important and there are some exercises that can make a difference. 


I am trying the ones in the video, and I think they are making a bit of a difference, so I hope if you are one of the warm-hearted who has the other problem too, you will take a look at the videos I have asked LPG to post below, and that they make a difference to you to.  It is good to find an exercise or two you can do without having to work up a sweat.



KR, Bell Green




LPG thanks KR for the information below.



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Here are some  videos on the subject, but again note that much of this information  is American but still worth watching...



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