...the voice of pensioners

Peter Ramrayka Recycling a Son of the British Raj

29 Oct 2017

Book Review - there was a long version of this on the old website...

We live in a ‘connected’ age where people’s connections impact the world as well as one another, not least through electronic media. Some lives speak eloquently of connection and Peter Ramrayka’s is such. His life story links Guyana, Britain and India as well as shedding light on the NHS, the Guyana diaspora, race relations and UK politics. It is a good read, well written and illustrated and though centring on one life opens windows on much besides.
Recycling of a Son of the British Raj is particularly unusual as the author was aware that his life straddled many countries and cultural environments, in particular his professional life. 
To make the book understandable to different audiences he devised a process whereby a dialogue with a Bacoo, a Guyanese poltergeist, called Basdeo, was used when appropriate explanations were felt to be needed!.
The book is well worth a read and is a good contemporary record of a journey, 40 years of which were spent in and around South London, from one culture to another, examples of overcoming racial and cultural barriers, the confidence an individual gets from being proud of his cultural background and the satisfaction from a life of public service. 
The selling price of the book 
is £13.99 plus postage but the author has offered a  discount of 20% to 
readers of the Gazette -- £11.19 including postage. Contact him directly
on 020 8692 4708 or pramrayka@compuserve,com