...the voice of pensioners

On the other hand

07 Jun 2017

I recently found out that I was suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The result is that it was getting harder to do anything with his hands because of pain and the feeling of pins and needles that was getting slowly worse and worse. Once it was identified, I was sent off to undergo a simple operation to correct the problem. It involved spending just one day in hospital, some post op pain, in my case 6 stitches, and then keeping the said hand out of water and not exerting that hand too much while the stitches healed.

I thought that would be easy but fate decided that they operated on the right hand first. When I got home I realised just how many things one does with one’s hands,
Especially the right one if you are right-handed! We really take them for granted. We learn to do so many things using the two of them to work together.

Peeling potatoes, wringing out washing, making a bed and even something as fundamental as eating involves using your hands, and the things that I do manage myself take so much longer. In fact, talking is one of the few things that are exempt!

I have found a commodity which, though it has been available to me for a long time, I am now making serious use of; my very willing husband. I have to admit to finding it mildly frustrating as I watch him doing things somewhat haphazardly. But it is also quite amusing watching him as he struggles with making dinner, vacuuming, and ironing (with the help of my watchful eye and detailed instruction).

But I have learned new ways to do lots of things; washing my face, putting on clothes, while I am leaving all the washing up and meal preparation to him, for just a while, and once this hand has healed he will have to put his skills to work again because my other hand needs to be done.
For more information about Carpel Tunnel Syndrome click below...
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