...the voice of pensioners

There is no time like the present!

29 Apr 2018

Dear LPG,


I have a message to all the pensioners out there who have, up to this point, been similar to me.   


Do you remember a long time ago; the point at which you were being asked to choose what you wanted to do with the rest of your life?   I am a younger pensioner, a child of the 1950s, so I never found myself being drafted into the army, or limited by the effects of war, but for all that life changes so quickly and just a few actions have a habit of changing life options irrevocably.


I think that the saddest thing is that pivotal point, when a person has maximum choices, it’s so brief and whatever way we tend to go there is always something that we feel we never had the opportunity to do.   It is often that thing that we wanted to do which was overtaken by what we needed to do, but now in retirement we have the opportunity to go back and focus and we often have the added technology that has been developed since the time when our first passion for our choice was made.  


I always wanted to play the piano, but never had the opportunity, and when I left school and started working, life got in the way.  But now that I am retired I have started lessons and I have bought myself a keyboard which is far removed from the ones that were around when I left school.  It is all going quite slowly, but I think that I have the patience that I did not have when I was young to do my study more justice, and after all, there is no real hurry. 


I often hear retired people say that they have no time in their lives because of their health and family obligations, but if you don’t make the time to do whatever it is that you wanted to do and didn’t, there will never be time. 


So, regardless of your focus;  going on a cruise, visiting a particular country in the world, making something or learning something, please, with the resources you have now, get started.   Even though they say that procrastination is the thief of time and we are already into the 2nd quarter of 2018, with the resources available to you now.  Get Going!


The only real limitations are your physical, mental or financial ability to do whatever it is you are focussed on.


LD, Catford.