...the voice of pensioners

Life’s Speed Limits

21 May 2018

Dear LPG,

Did you know that on May 21st 1901 the first ever speed limit was imposed by law, in Connecticut USA (►►►)?  The Cambridge Dictionary defines the words to mean ‘the fastest rate at which you are allowed to drive in a particular area’  (►►►).  But a lot of definitions miss the point that there are two kinds.  There are minimum speed limits but the vast majority are maximum limitations on how fast you are permitted to go.


When most of us think about maximum speed limits, we think of laws for drivers. They are not allowed to exceed the maximum set limit, but there is no law that says those limits have to be maintained at all times.  A driver’s speed fluctuates and circumstances often force drivers to drive slower than the law dictates.  If you are a driver that ever negotiated a motorway, you will know what I mean when I say that there is always the little old lady driving the car in the slow lane; the car that everyone else is overtaking. But it is important to remember that the little old lady will get to her destination in the end too.



 You may well be wondering why I am writing a manual about driving here. 


I think that driving can be an analogy for life, where most of us older people can remember living in the ‘fast lane’, when we were young but, as we get a little older we get a little slower.  This does not mean that we should give up on our dreams and ambitions, although so many people do. 


It is not vital to be as fast as everyone else. You will still reach your goal in the end even if you take your time, and once you are not fighting to get to work and deadlines are a thing of the past, we are privileged because we have time to enjoy our endeavours without having to race our way there.


My advice is … Slow down a little.  Slow and steady wins most races.  Give yourself permission to do things at your pace.  The words Hare and Tortoise come to mind. …



JT, Forest Hill